Virtual Logger

VirtualLogger Discovery Document

This Discovery Document is designed to provide a very detailed description of your telephone and network infrastructure so that we can implement the best possible recording solution for you. Please fill out as much of the document as you can, and we'll provide you with valuable feedback on how we can support your business. If you have multiple locations, please complete one form for each location.

Your information: Tell us who you are and how to communicate with you.

Customer Information
Company Name
City, State, Zip
Operations Contact
    check if main contact
Contact Info (phone, email)
Technical Contact
    check if main contact
Contact details (phone, email)
Other Contact (specify)
    check if main contact
Contact details (phone, email)
Other Contact (specify)
    check if main contact
Contact Info (phone, email)
Time Zone
Hours of Availability
Your Objectives: Tell us what functionality you need.
Check the box next to each area that best describes your requirements or preferences.
Functionality Required
Audio Recording
  100% Quality Sampling (what %?)
 Record on Demand(#simultaneous recordings)
Calls to be recorded
Inbound   Outbound   Internal
Screen Capture (video recording)
  100%     Quality Sampling (what %?)     
  Additional Agent Monitor  
  Record on Demand(# simultaneous recordings)  
Use of Data
  Quality Monitoring     Legal compliance/Dispute resolution
Features Required
(if unsure, do not check)
  Evaluation Forms    CTI Interface    CRM Interface   Coaching  
  Filtering    E-coaching/e-learning    Post-call surveys    Speech Analytics
Recording Uptime Required
  99.5% (standard)    99.9%    99.999%    >99.999%
Record Retention Required
 99.5% (standard)   99.9%   99.999%   >99.999%
Access Uptime Required
 99.5% (standard)   99.9%   99.999%   >99.999%
Online Access Period (Audio)
  Enter amount in days    (90 days standard)
Archive Access Period (Audio)
  Enter amount in days    (2465 days standard)
Online Access Period (Video)
   Enter amount in days    (30 days standard)
Archive Access Period (Video)
   Enter amount in days    (0 days standard)
Existing Recording
Audio Recording   Yes - 100%     Yes - Sampling     No
Recording Technology  Manual/Tape   Automated - obsolete    Automated - limited capacity
Existing Recorder  Cassette, Similar    NICE    Verint    Other
Model/Version of Existing Recorder (if known)
Calibri Recording Method (if known)   Service observe/sampling     Trunk-side tap     Station taps
Storage Media   Cassette tape     DAT tape     Hard disk     Other
File format (if known)   WAV    VOX    Other  if proprietary, check here
Screen Video Recording   Yes - 100%     Yes - Sampling     No
Project Stage/Status : Tell us where you are in your decision-making.
Project Status
Open to Considering   Strongly interested     Willing if within budget/affordable
Actively Researching   Yes    No
Defined Objective   Yes    No
Budgeted?   Yes  No
Formal RFP   RFP Issued     RFP Expected     No RFP planned
Expected Decision Date   within 90 days     within 180 days     more than 180 days
Expected Deployment Date   within 90 days     within 180 days     more than 180 days
Telephony Environment : Tell us as much as you can about the telephone system you use.
Telephony Environment
PBX/Switch Make
PBX/Switch Model
PBX Software Version/Release
Phone Make
Phone Model/Version/Release
Number Of Stations to be Recorded
Number Of Agents to be Evaluated
Number of Desktop Monitors for
Screen Capture
Dialer Make/Model/Release      check if N/A
Dialer Connection  Analog    Digital    VOIP
IVR Make/Model/Release      check if N/A
If IVR-Record Calls With IVR   Yes     No
List all Other Components Of Your
Telephony System (CTI Gateways,etc)
     check if N/A
Type Of Inside Telephone Signaling  VOIP    Digital    Analog  
Number Of PSTN Trunks   
Required if trunk-side recording, otherwise for information only
Type Of Trunk Lines  RBS/CAS(24 voice/T-1)    ISDN (T-1 or E-1)    NFAS
If NFAS, Total Lines In Group   Specify number
Trunk Lines Dedicated To PBX?   Yes-not shared outside call center  
  No-shared with other functions
Call Distribution On Trunks?  Round robin (calls distributed evenly)  
 First available (most calls on few trunks)  
If Round Robin On Trunks  Willing to change to "first available"     Not willing to change
Average Call Duration   Enter call length in seconds or decimal
Busy Hour Percentage   
Enter percentage of or total number of day's calls during busy hour
Seasonality     check if N/A Peak Months:   Max # Seats: Max# Agents:

Off-Peak Months:  Max # Seats: Max# Agents
Service Observe/Silent Monitor Available on PBX: 
  Yes(if "Yes", answer next two questions)     No
Service Observe/Silent Monitor  Remotely accessible    Internally accessible only
Service Observe/Silent Monitor  Analog phone access
 Digital phone access  
 Analog and digital access
2 Or 4-Wire To Handsets  Number of 2 wire phones:      Number of 4 wire phones:
Telephony Changes Planned   No     Yes (please describe)
Telephony Staff Support   Dedicated telephone staff  
  IT staff supports telephony  
  Vendor support
Telephony Staff Location   Co-located with telephone system     Remote from telephone system
Data Environment: Tell us as much as you can about your IT infrastructure and organization.
Data Environment
LAN Bandwidth   100 base-T     Other (please specify)
Current Load
Bandwidth to ISP
Storage Policies Can VirtualLogger store recordings at its site?  
  Possible    Preferred    No
Security Issues/Requirements   Banking/GLBA     Health Care/HIPAA  
  Payment Card/PCI   Other-please specify:
IT Staff Support   Yes    No
IT Staff Location   On-site    Remote
Screen Capture Environment (Complete only if you require screen capture.)
Screen Capture Environment
LAN Switch Brand
LAN Switch Model
Network Type   Windows     Workgroups for Windows     Novell     Other
Workstation Operating System
Workstation RAM
Workstation free space   At least 50 Mb?     Less than 50 Mb
DHCP?   Yes    No (fixed IP addresses)
VOIP Information: Complete only if telephone system is VOIP
In addition to the information requested below, please provide a diagram of your network for the transmission of VOIP.
VOIP Information
Signaling (SIP, H.323, etc.)   
Describe protocol and any variations from published standards:
Encoding (G.729, G.711, etc.)   
Describe protocol and any variants (e.g. G. 729a, G.729b, etc.):
VoIP Header Data Elements   
List any data elements available in VOIP header packets (if known):
VOIP LAN Segments - Do all VOIP packets travel at least one segment in common?   Yes    No    If no, how many?
Total VOIP Stations   Same as to be recorded  
  More than to be recorded;  (# if more  )
Fixed IP or DHCP?   Phone IP's are fixed    Phone IP's are variable
If Phone IPs are variable   Phone IP's can be fixed    Phone IP's must be variable
Record Internal Calls?   Yes    No  
If Encryption is in use, can Client supply key?   Yes    No     N/A
Call Center Operations
Please tell us how you operate your call center with regard to Quality Monitoring
Center Operations
Does the list of agents or stations to be recorded change? (if yes, explain)
Fixed or Free Agent Seating   Free seating    Fixed seating
If fixed, are stations shared?   Yes    No
Number of Reviewers/QC
Number of Calls Monitored   How many per agent?    daily

  weekly         monthly  

Evaluator Calibration Sessions   Frequency:    Simultaneous users?
Any Special Requirements?
Telephone Behavior
Tell us how your agents use their phones.
List steps taken by agent to log into phone system:
List steps (including exact button presses)
taken by agent to answer a call:
How else can an agent take a call?
Between calls is the handset:   On-hook (handset down)  
  Off-hook (handset off)  
  No handset  
  Mixed environment (please describe)
List steps taken by agent to end a call:
How else can an agent end a call?
List steps taken by agent to place an outbound call:
Does agent have an additional line for private calls?   Yes    No
If so, should private line be recorded?   Yes    No
Describe what appears in display for inbound calls,
in order:(ANI, DNIS, Skill set, etc)
Describe what appears in in display for outbound calls,
in order:(Dialed Digits, etc)
Are calls put on hold often?   Yes    No
If Yes to hold, maximum hold time in seconds:   
(Note, silence timeout will override start/stop signals
if not accurate)
Are calls transferred?
If transferred, requirement is:   All parts in same recording  
  Transfers can result in separate recordings
CDR Data Elements - Standard
VirtualLogger will append the following data elements to its database for search, retrieval and reporting purposes. These data elements are generally available for all station-side and VOIP recording installations and may be available for others. Those elements if available may include: Extension, Date, Time, Duration, Call Direction, Flag, Comments, Recording channel, and Recorder name.

Additional CDR Data Elements Required
If required, VirtualLogger can append the following data elements to its database for search, retrieval and reporting purposes. The inclusion of these data elements depends on their availability through your system. Check below the data elements you might want.
Agent Identifier Yes No
ANI/Caller ID Yes No
Dialed Digits   Yes No
Skill Group Yes No
Campaign Yes No
Account/Client Yes No
Other (Describe) Yes No
CDR Data source: check the appropriate box to what data sources of data you may have available.
CDR Data Source
Phone Display Check if your phone is digital and displays the information you want.
SMDR How delivered, e.g. IP or serial port, address information, etc?
Workstation screens Check if data appears in desktop applications during call
Anything we've left out? If there's something you think we forgot to ask, please tell us here